Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's summertime....and the reading ain't easy!

Greetings readers!

It's summertime and time for another shot at redemption with this blog. I admit I have been quite the slacker due to lack of tech equipment, etc.

But it lives and breathes another day.

I thought this time for summer 2011, I'd try a more read-along approach and let you, the followers join in to what I am currently reading. I have a list of 32 books that I plan on getting into, and I'll give you the title and author as I decide what I am reading. So you'll get the name of the book, we'll read it separately, and I'll blog my take on what I read, and you guys can fill in on the comments section your thoughts on what you read.

Sound like a good plan?

The first assignment for you guys is "Lake Wobegon Days" by Garrison Keillor.

So grab your Kindles, Nooks, (or whatever e-reader you prefer) or your library cards and get reading!

I'll meet you on the other side!
