I read this book back in April and it's taken this long to do the review because I have been so preoccupied with job searches and book writing, that some things got forgotten. :)
I positively ADORED "The Hunger Games". The writing was very descriptive and I felt like I was right next to Katniss and sharing her experiences.The story takes place years after a post apocalyptic event destroys North America. The remnants of this event form the country known as Panem, with the Capitol, located in the Rockies as its country seat. The area is separated into Thirteen Districts, but after a rebellion the Thirteenth District is obliterated and the Hunger Games is created. Every year when the children of Panem turn twelve years of age, their name is entered for a chance to participate in the Hunger Games, in a ceremony known as "the reaping". One boy and one girl is selected from each of the 12 districts as tributes and are sent to a remote area to battle each other for survival. The winner receives infinite riches and food for themselves and their family.
I'm not going to reveal any more of the story, otherwise you'll never read the book. I particularly enjoyed the setting, where the government controls pretty much everything. Three great examples of this kind of dystopian atmosphere are "1984" by George Orwell, "V for Vendetta" by Alan Moore, and "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. Usually there is one person who knows that what the government does is not right, but has to play along so nothing terrible happens to him/her. Katniss is that very independent character and she makes you feel the same way as she talks of what The Capitol wants the people to believe, and the actual harsh reality of their country. The one thing that I wasn't a fan of was the abruptness of the ending. You get so involved with the story and the characters, and suddenly that's it, like waking up with a jolt.
I recommend this book to anyone who likes a very engaging storyline, and characters that you can instantly attach yourself to. Also I am proud to be part of District 4, cause we're off the hook! (thecapitol.pn)
Happy Reading and may the odds ever be in your favor!
P.S- Like me on Facebook! www.facebook.com/alexandraestockton
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